Zend Framework is an open-source PHP web application framework designed to simplify the development of web applications and services. It provides a set of reusable components and tools for building robust, secure, and scalable PHP applications. The framework is built using an Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and offers features such as authentication, authorization, caching, and more. PHP developers widely use Zend Framework (now Laminas) for building large-scale web applications.

Is Zend Framework dead?

No, Zend Framework is not dead.

The popularity of a framework depends on various factors, such as: 

  • market trends
  • ease of use
  • developer community
  • the size of the ecosystem

The decline in the popularity of the Zend Framework could be attributed to the rise of more modern and user-friendly PHP frameworks, a shift towards a microservices architecture, and limited resources and support from the Zend community. Nevertheless, it’s still widely used by a significant number of developers and organizations.

The framework has a strong community and is continuously updated and improved.

However, in recent years, there has been a shift towards using more modern frameworks such as Laravel, Symfony, and Ruby on Rails. But, this does not mean that Zend Framework is no longer relevant, as it still has a solid user base and is a suitable choice for certain projects.


The biggest projects built with Zend Framework

Some of the biggest and most famous projects built with the Zend Framework include:

  1. Magento – a popular open-source e-commerce platform
  2. ttRPG – a web-based tool for creating and playing tabletop role-playing games
  3. ibank2 – an online banking platform
  4. CMS made simple – a content management system for websites
  5. Erply – a cloud-based point-of-sale and inventory management solution.

These projects showcase the versatility and robustness of the Zend Framework in developing complex web applications.

Zend Framework or Laminas? 

What is Laminas

Zend Framework was rebranded in 2019 after its parent company, Zend Technologies, was acquired by Linux vendor Rogue Wave Software. Now it is called Laminas but continues to follow the path marked by Zend with a certain amount of modernization. 

Laminas provides a set of modular components that can be used independently or together to build web applications. These components include modules for routing, MVC (Model-View-Controller), authentication, caching, and more. Laminas also provides integrations with popular web technologies like Doctrine ORM, Apigility, and Expressive.

Laminas is known for its flexibility and extensibility, making it a popular choice for building custom web applications. It is also actively maintained by a large community of developers, which means it is constantly being updated with new features, bug fixes, and security patches.


Key features of Laminas

Here are some of the key features of Laminas:

  1. Modular architecture

    Laminas follows a modular architecture, which allows developers to use only the components they need and leave out the ones they don’t. This makes the framework highly flexible and customizable.


  1. MVC support

    Laminas provides support for the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which separates the application logic, presentation, and data management. This makes it easier for developers to manage complex applications.


  1. Database support

    Laminas maintains a wide range of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle. It also includes an object-relational mapping (ORM) tool called Doctrine that makes it easier to work with databases.


  1. Security features

    Laminas’ security features include input validation, XSS and CSRF protection, and secure password hashing. The framework also supports industry-standard security protocols like OAuth and OpenID Connect.


  1. Caching

    Laminas works with various caching mechanisms, including APC, Memcached, and Redis. This helps to improve the performance of web applications.


  1. Internationalization and localization

    Laminas includes support for internationalization and localization, making it easier to create web applications that can be used in multiple languages and regions.


  1. Integration with third-party libraries

    Laminas has integrations with many third-party libraries, including jQuery, Bootstrap, and Google APIs. This makes it easier to use these libraries in Laminas applications.


Laminas / Zend Framework remains a good choice for developers seeking a customizable and reliable framework for their web development needs. With constant updates and support from the community, Laminas continues to evolve and improve, ensuring that it remains actual and demanded in the world of web application frameworks.

Around 10% of projects at Optimum Web have used or are using the Zend Framework, and we believe it still is a thing in 2023. Do you share the same opinion or consider that Zend Framework is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and it makes sense to stop doing projects on it? Share your opinion in the comments on LinkedIn

About the Author: Ekaterina Eremeeva

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